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Showing posts with the label TERRITORIAL ARMY

Aniket Kale from Bhopal, Recommended from 24 SSB Bangalore for Territorial Army

Aniket Shard Khale From Bhopal (Territorial Army Entry) My Dear SSB Aspirants, Aniket Khale, Recommend, 24 SSB Banglore, he lead in his group over there for Progressive group Task (PGT), Half Group Task (HGT) and Final Group Task (FGT). Also he got a very tough command task (CT) by Group Tasting Officer (GTO). Aniket shard Khale from Bhopal  (Territorial Army Entry) All the other group members called Aniket as their subordinate he made good impression on group members and GTO, as a result he Achieved his goal. Congratulation Aniket, he knew all the basics for GTO outdoor group tasks that helped him all through to clear ground tasks which helped him getting recommend. Regards Hosla B.A, M.A - Psychology Specialist of GTO Tasks Mob: 9541185701, 7015202663