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Showing posts from February, 2016

SSB INTERVIEW - When you know better you perform better in SSB GTO Task Tests

  SSB GTO Tasks Test “If you face the following problems in your previous SSB in the GTO tasks Test, then you need to learn once again” Shubham Chaudhary (TES Entry) from Bilaspur (H.P) and Ishan Kapoor (TGC Entry) from Ambala Cantt  Dear aspirants I am here to share with you my 11 years of experience with the Defence Aspirants, when candidate not give his the best output in the GTO tasks on ground. 1 - Coached candidates are not familiar with GTO tasks at SSB, as well as coaching Centre because they are simply not trained what they are supposed to do and that's why they don't have confidence to implement their own idea. 2 - Some candidates are wasting time and effort when trying to forcefully implement the idea without any logical planning or analyzing the structure. 3 - Some candidates behave in team like a audience or cooli (Load Holder). 4 - Because of lacking in practical intelligence some candidates don't add or suggest for better plan to others. 5 -


My dear SSB aspirants, Sharp minds may catch quickly and give response “may be coached response or due to over confident” but brilliant minds take time to understand the basic fundamentals and scientific logic and once they understood the logic behind the problem, no one can stop them.   Many aspirants wonder what they will get in my academy besides the fact that all other academies also have sufficient GTO tasks and adequate infrastructure but the quality of guidance, personal attention to each student, homely environment and most important things is the basic fundamentals before the commencement of the task and after the implementing the ideas in a systematic manner is guaranteed to be un-matchable anywhere. Rather than make you a silly coached candidate we retain your originality by mending your performance, we don’t impose our ideas on candidates but provide them environment to improve their own ideas. Our day wise effective and progressive schedule: 1 st d