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Showing posts from November, 2015


Make eye contact : Whether you are speaking or listening, looking into the eyes of the person with whom you are conversing can make the interaction more successful. Eye contact conveys interest and encourages your partner to be interested in you in return. One technique to help with this is to consciously look into one of the listener’s eyes and then move to the other eye. Going back and forth between the two makes your eyes appear to sparkle. Another trick is to imagine a letter “T” on the listener’s face, with the cross bar being an imaginary line across the eye brows and the vertical line coming down the center of the nose. Keep your eyes scanning that “T” zone. How to Look People in the Eye Some people struggle to make eye contact with others. This is considered as a basic component of social interaction in some cultures. Failing to make eye contact suggests to some that you're shy to others, it indicates that you are not confident enough and sometimes can also be take

SSB Personal Interview (Golden Guidence)

SSB Personal Interview tips Personal interview is a small conversation between a candidate and the Interviewing Officer (IO). The purpose of the interview is to have an insight in a candidate’s life and to check the Officer Like Qualities in a candidate. The IO will ask questions related to the candidate’s education, family, friends, hobbies, interests etc. Apart from that IO will ask some technical questions, current affairs, general knowledge questions. In this article I will talk about the general requirements of a good personal interview that an interviewing expects from a candidate. These qualities can easily lead you to your selection in the armed forces. 1. Knowledge of Y.O.G.A. I have given an acronym to the four basic ingredients of a good interview which can impress your Interviewing Officer. What you require for a good personal interview is knowledge of YOGA. Read below what is that: a) Yourself: Most of the questions will be on your life, college, friends, fami