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SSB INTERVIEW - When you know better you perform better in SSB GTO Task Tests

 SSB GTO Tasks Test “If you face the following problems in your previous SSB in the GTO tasks Test, then you need to learn once again”

Shubham Chaudhary (TES Entry) from Bilaspur (H.P) and Ishan Kapoor (TGC Entry) from Ambala Cantt
 Dear aspirants I am here to share with you my 11 years of experience with the Defence Aspirants, when candidate not give his the best output in the GTO tasks on ground.
1 - Coached candidates are not familiar with GTO tasks at SSB, as well as coaching Centre because they are simply not trained what they are supposed to do and that's why they don't have confidence to implement their own idea.
2 - Some candidates are wasting time and effort when trying to forcefully implement the idea without any logical planning or analyzing the structure.
3 - Some candidates behave in team like a audience or cooli (Load Holder).
4 - Because of lacking in practical intelligence some candidates don't add or suggest for better plan to others.
5 - In PGT and HGT some candidates give response and ideas but as an individual in command task they are unable to give systematic plan when GTO increases difficulty level of task, they get stuck or try to implement illogical and unbalanced plans with helping materials.

“When you know better you perform better”

Abhinav Maurya (TES Entry) from Kanpur (U.P.)
Practical intelligence can be gained only through practice on ground, Hosla academy provides ample time and space for you to practice the tasks on ground. The academy endeavors to familiarize and practice the candidates on a real time experience of an SSB environment by providing a look alike setup with all types of group tasks spread out on sprawling ground full of greenery.

The Major Advantage of training
- The dimension of all these tasks has been precisely calibrated to those existing in various SSB
- Emphasis of training on genuine enhancement of officer like qualities and not on template type coaching
- Entire training premise is attached with the academy, so we can practice on ground till evening.

Assure 100% Guaranteed success in GTO Outdoor Tasks

Advocate Gaurav Gupta (TA Entry) from Chandigarh


We provide quality base training and personal attention to each candidate, we don’t take more than Ten candidates in a batch at a time.

B.A, M.A - Psychology
Specialist of GTO tasks
Mob: 95411 85701, 7015202663


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