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How to Approach || Important Guidance for SSB GTO Tasks Tests || SSB Interview Preparation

How to Approach, Important Guidance for SSB GTO Tasks Tests, SSB Interview Preparation

An experience forms the first step in the learning chain. The next step,
reflective observation, is to reflect on our observations/perceptions.
The issue here is to connect with one’s inner feelings and ask, "What
happened?" This helps to explore further and to draw out valid
conclusions out of learning. The third step, abstract conceptualization,
is to form a link between the new experience and our previous
knowledge. You need to ask here, "What is the significance of the act
that just happened?" This helps to build up a mini-theory. Finally,
learning is completed when new ideas are implemented and practiced. The
question that needs to be asked here is, "What will I do for the


At the Hosla Academy we are committed to focus on a
systematic approach, based on training, evaluation and feedback. This
helps the candidates to understand their inherent strengths and
weaknesses. A calibrated follow-up training capsule, especially tailored
by experts at this academy assists the candidate to come up to the
desired level. The teaching is gradual, interactive and has shown
positive results.

There are several reasons why the outdoor model is considered very effective?
The major ones are:-

Objectives / Values Derived
1) Observation / Perception
2) Reasoning and logic.
3) Planning and resource management (Resourcefulness).
4) Ability to influence a group.
5) Team building.
6) Dedication of work.
7) Decision making.
8) Social intelligence.
9) Analyses of a situation to establish clear plan.
10) Management of time and space.
11) Assertiveness / impact.
12) Sense of responsibility and initiative.
13) Reaction to opposition and attitude towards others.
14) Tact and persuasiveness.
15) Reaction to failure and reaction to stress.
16) Effectiveness in a group.

Hosla Academy is committed for ensuring that all students attending courses
are provided with the opportunity to obtain a comprehensive, balanced
and equitable training. Such an training promotes the holistic
development of each individual and ensures that students are provided
with opportunities to prepare them for both their present and future
life roles.

M.A. {Psychology}
Specialist of GTO tasks

Hosla Academy Address:
Vikaspuri. Near Chota Khudda, Industrial area, Saha Road, Ambala Cantt, Haryana
Mob : 095411 85701, 7015202663 {Whats app}


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