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Sourabh Kumar Nagar from Jodhpur

Sourabh Kumar Nagar, he came from Jodhpur, and joined Hosla Academy as he wanted to learn GTO outdoor tasks Tests with basic fundamentals of structures, he told me his problems which he was facing in SSB Interview.

he had already taken coaching for the same but could not do well because he lacked practical approach towards GTO Tasks. He also got recommended earlier, but got merit out because he felt that he did not perform up to the mark in GTO outdoor group tasks.
During my training period i found in Sourabh that he is unable to create ideas (Imagination Power) and implement Ideas with the provided helping materials on structure (Practical Intelligence Skills),

At the end of four days of exclusive training he is quite confident about GTO Tasks and i am sure he will make his dream come true this time. i trained and motivated him on how to tackle tasks, we faces on the field and off the field (i.e in life).

i wish him luck for his upcoming AFSB Interview. Sourabh, may you achieve your goal. May god Bless you



B.A, M.A (Psychology)
Specialist of GTO Tasks
Mob: 7015202663, 9541185701
Ambala Cantt, Haryana


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