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How to Impress GTO in SSB while Testing & Tips for Effective Participation in Group Tasks and Command Tasks

How to Impress GTO in SSB While Testing & Tips for Effective Participation in Group Tasks and Command Tasks

Dear SSB Aspirants, there is no special trick to impress GTO or making your group tasks and command task good , but few point are keep in mind and automatically your Group and command task will be far better than others. Read out the following points carefully and try to work upon these-there which you need to:
1 - What is the GTO Observing Your Imagination, Logical Reasoning clubbed with Practical intelligence skills after that Systematic manner clubbed with Deep knowledge (Open Mind) is seen through the Tasks of your views. Your ability to support your and also team members ideas with logical and meaningful arguments. How Perceive from particular tasks, structure and organized is your thought process, your ability to express your views about particular idea with complete clarity and ease. The same will only happen if you have the above given abilities.

Aschit Thakur From Bilaspur (H.P.)
2 - Your social attributes are seen through the way you engage others in the PGT, HGT and FGT. How balanced are your views about the socio-economic and geo-political environment of our society. Your self confidence and energy level is observed. What kind of impact (negative or positive) are you creating on the others in the group is observed.
3 - Your ability to withstand, and gracefully bounce back, from the setbacks received through different idea and logics given by others. Your mental stamina to remain continuously visible in a positive manner in the Group Tasks is seen.

Tips for Effective Participation In GTO Outdoor Tasks:
Be an early entrant into the Group tasks. Implementing idea first is not necessary, however implementing early so that someone else does not give away the idea or logic you wanted to do or say. Do not implement continuously ideas each of structures, as you may appear to be overconfidence and self centered. So, implement more often, for lesser duration each time. Give concise logics relevant to the lead that you are supporting. Do not take off at a tangent. Preferably do not switch your lead and support it till the end of the PGT. However you could link your lead with some relevant logic with the other lead and speak.
Remember it is not a debate, so your endeavour should not be to prove the other person wrong, but to support your team members with good logical points.
The greater your knowledge base, the better you will be able to lead. Try and give some logics and figures and also give some examples from your deep knowledge to team members. Be sensitive to the logical view and participation of others, encourage them as they give their idea and look very interested in their ideas, even if it is ordinary (Manpower Idea). Do not be rude. Always remain composed, cheerful and show a high, positive energy level. Maintain a smiling and pleasant disposition. Do not lock horns unnecessarily with someone who is argumentative. Remain friendly, but firm while giving your systematic logical ideas.

Finally, if you are well talented or trained, knowledgeable, logical and friendly person you will shine in the Group Tasks and Command Task. However, to know where you stand and assess your true potential you will have to practically participate in GTO Outdoor Group Tasks before leave for your SSB.


Also Read:
How to achieve optimum level in GTO outdoor group tasks "Guru Mantra"

B.A, M.A, - Psychology
Specialist of GTO tasks
Mob: 7015202663, 9541185701
Ambala Cantt, Haryana


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